UK Ambassador: “The Peruvian government does not need intergovernmental agreements” | Economie
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Private Public Investment Project, Bicentennial Schools, Selection of the union formed by the governments of the United Kingdom and Finland to build 75 schools Symbolism in nine regions of the country. the Agreement between government and government (g2g) It was signed in November and will include an investment of 2,800 million GBP.
Kate HarrisonThe British ambassador details in this interview what will be the role of the consortium in this third project g2g Awarded in Peru after the Pan American Games and Reconstruction with changes.

– What exactly consists of the new g2g that you just signed up to provide technical advice on building bicentennial schools?
This is the third agreement g2g which we signed. The first was the Pan American Games, then Reconstruction. this is for Construction Of the 75 schools that are part of this special project, Bicentennial Schools. We will form a team that will advise working alongside the Ministry of Education (Minedu) to implement the project.
—So your job is mainly to support Minedu in the pre-build process?
The British team does not build collegesOur team is a team of consultants who work with minido Hence for us, compliance is not only important but also critical for knowledge transfer in the project lifecycle. Our participation will continue until March 2024.
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“Have you started counseling yet?”
The embassy team held technical meetings with a team minido. This project is different because we use not only the experience of British companies, but also some Finnish companies in the consortium who have experience in terms of design and architecture, but also in terms of international standards in educational plans and pedagogical methods teachers. In this case, we look at the infrastructure, but also to make it the most suitable for providing education services.
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– What will be the impact of this project?
through this colleges We will have the possibility to benefit more than 100,000 students in different parts of the country. The vast majority of colleges They will be in Metropolitan Lima, but 16 will be in other areas such as Puno, La Libertad and Cajamarca. […] son 75 colleges. Of these, 59 will be in Metropolitan Lima and the rest will be in regions of the country. With the achievement of this 75 [se reducirá en] 19% infrastructure gap in terms of colleges in the country.
How does the UK’s work differ from Finland’s work on this project?
Finnish companies have more specific expertise in design and architecture. They will have a role in terms of underwriting designs. From the UK we have a way to understand Construction Infrastructure. It not only delivers 100% work, but also has the ability to monitor, maintain and ensure its success, which in the long run will continue to deliver education.
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How are Bicentennial Schools different from Reconstruction and American schools?
with the g2g we help Reconstruction from 74 colleges and 15 hospitals, so we already have some experience regarding Reconstruction From colleges. In this case, the problem is that we want to replicate it, but also transfer the knowledge to Minedu so that other big projects can be done after that one, but without having to be in another agreement. g2g. This has always been our goal.
“When does the UK’s deal with Reconstruction end?”
The agreement expires at the end of March next year. There is a possibility of a little stretching. […] If agency is necessary, we are open to initiating a dialogue to extend the term of our services.
When will all work for this project be delivered?
The vast majority of colleges The hospitals will be delivered in 2022 and then comes the part that is integrated solutions, which are more complex projects, such as reforestation of 50 thousand hectares of forest.
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—In the middle of the year, the Peruvian Finance Council criticized that the government would grant large-scale works such as the central highway through the g2g model, noting that in the medium term this could affect the fiscal balance. You are the one who started your third G2G agreement, how do you take this message?
I think the Peruvian government should not need agreements g2g. This is what we are trying to do with the projects we are working on. As I mentioned, it’s not just about project delivery. This, of course, is important, but it cannot be done for every project in the country. use a g2g It is also an investment in officials who work on state projects.
– The administration of President Francisco Sagaste left other large projects to be implemented through g2g, such as lines 3 and 4 of the Lima metro, in the pipeline. Do you think it necessary to continue to see these mechanisms?
At the moment I find it a bit disappointing, and I don’t want to say disappointing, but I do find it a little sad that there is such a huge gap in the country’s infrastructure. Projects are not moving fast enough. The government should think very clearly about projects that are really urgent and therefore consider whether agreements are needed g2g Or if there are officials already trained to deal with it in a more independent manner. Maybe in the future we’ll see g2g But on a smaller scale, or more specifically, to see what capabilities we can enhance from the officials in Peru.

—So you don’t recommend continuing to award large projects through g2g?
There are other changes the government may consider, such as public procurement forms and laws. I believe that because of the country’s historical corruption issue, there is little confidence in Construction And that’s part of the problem because there’s still a mindset that companies are going to play with numbers and things like that. That’s why at this moment g2g It can be very useful for giving confidence and transparency.
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