Spain team, CSD and COE project to break Barcelona’s record 92 in Paris 2024
Spain He’s been pursuing a huge challenge for many years: breaking his Olympic glass ceiling. This one has arrived 1992 Barcelona Olympics, the first and only home erected which has achieved unprecedented success for the national sport. It all came, logically, through a great strategic plan that was orchestrated at all levels.
All political, social, sports and economic institutions and organizations have come together to try to ensure that a historical event is also translated into sporting victories. This has caused sports, especially the Olympic Games, to receive unprecedented investment that came from Government centralized in the various federations.
A great commitment to brilliance made Spain close those Olympics with a record of medals that could never be equaled again. Spain has reached 22 minerals, 13 of which are gold. Numbers the national delegation could only get close to Athens 2004 s London 2012 With 20 medals. However, the difference in the golden ones, since in Greece There were only three and United kingdom four.
[Muere Jim Redmond, el ‘padre del atletismo’ que saltó a la fama en los JJOO de Barcelona de 1992]
However, confidence in beating the Barcelona 92 milestone has grown in recent years. And now Supreme Sports Council We launched a strong additional investment to get to Paris at the best possible time. Started a Million Dollar Project Jose Manuel Francoapproved by the central government and which also enjoys the full support of Spanish Olympic CommitteeYou may have known Spanish. Alexander White He trusts that Paris can be the new horizon of the Spanish Olympics.
Spanish Paralympic Committee (CPE) President Miguel Carballeda; President of the Supreme Sports Council, Jose Manuel Franco, and President of the Spanish Olympic Committee (COE), Alejandro Blanco
Project “Team Spain”
The Supreme Sports Council has been authorized to implement the new projects of “Spain Team” In cooperation with Spanish sports federations And that it will have an additional contribution of 16 million euros. An important economic injection aimed at achieving better results for the Olympic Games, which ends in Paris in 2024.
This initiative is proposed by Mikel IsitaMinister of Sports, has already approved Council of Ministers To try to add as much help as possible when it comes to meeting the once and for all challenge of beating the famous 22 medals for Barcelona 92. That money will go Intensifying the preparation and performance of Spanish athletes in both the Olympic and Paralympic arenas.
Thus, the FFDDEE They will receive an additional payment of 16 million euros for the remainder of the year which will extend to 48 “kilos” before reaching the next Olympic Games in the French capital. It must be remembered that these items that will go to unions will mostly come from the fund created after Viana Charters which come from Income generated from marketing audiovisual rights for professional football.
[El Pacto de Viana estalla: LaLiga y la RFEF vuelven a la guerra del fútbol con el nuevo CSD]
To distribute it, a committee will be created that will be responsible for determining the final list of beneficiaries. Some of the candidates who will be proposed according to the criteria of the different federations, which will be the first candidate.
The “Team Spain” projects will be divided into two blocks. will be the first ‘elite’It will go to the athletes and teams considered to have a chance of securing a place in the top eight at the upcoming Olympics. In the case of Paralympic sports, the “requirement” would be the presence of podium options.
A very similar system to the one that is produced in countries like United kingdom also Italia, where investing heavily in the sports for which medals are awaited, while the remainder is allocated to future work in recruitment and training. This is proven to be the most effective way to get results in the short term without neglecting the future. However, Spain has yet to hop on this train.
The other part of the project will be “strategic” and will include those sports that help maintain Spain’s good international name despite the fact that it is not an Olympic discipline. Among them, for example, motor sports such as motorcycles or Formula 1 stand out. In this second plan there are also some sections for sports in which Spain is a world reference and which, despite being Olympic, do not have the greatest advantage in the Games. global show. The most striking case is tennis (Carlos AlcarazAnd the Rafael NadalAnd the Paula Badusa…) or golf (John Ram).
[Los hombres ganan terreno en la natación sincronizada y se acercan a los Juegos Olímpicos]
The importance of the “Team Spain Elite and Strategic” plans is that they will allow CSD to increase the regular endowment of the unions and also make a more specific and successful investment. With all this, it is hoped that goals greater than those obtained so far will be achieved, applying a more European business model.
Olympic football team with its silver medal in Tokyo 2020
comprehensive agreement
One of the most important points of this new project is the great agreement reached between all the entities that govern Spanish sport. The initiative of the Supreme Council of Sports was very welcomed by Minister Miguel Isita, who gained the approval of the entire Council in a clear commitment to break the glass ceiling of the Olympics.
This success, if achieved, will be the responsibility of the athletes and all agents involved, especially as well Spanish Olympic Committee, who has worked hard in recent years to break the Barcelona 92 mark of 22 metals. The institution he chairs Alexander White He kept our country’s Olympic athletes at the top and now expresses full support for the “Team Spain” initiative plans.
As you know SpanishPresident Blanco welcomes this initiative in order to achieve something he has worked towards for decades and could have his great goal in Paris 2024: “I am very much in favor of the CSD programme.” They emphasize from the COE that increasing economic investment in sports and the Olympics, and above all, improving the management of the funds obtained, is the right way to continue growth.
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For this reason, Alejandro Blanco is allied with Jose Manuel Franco and the Ministry of Sports in a fight that could become historic: “Without a doubt, it will enhance the results of Spanish sport.” The President of the Council of Europe endorses this support and anticipates a great success for the national delegation in one of the best moments for Spain in terms of international and Olympic presence.
Franco, from his position as Minister of State for Sports and President of CSD, also conveys his happiness and optimism with this great leap: “Team Spain” is one of the programs we have designed with the greatest enthusiasm and effort in the Council all this year. Our aim is to revolutionize the Olympic and Paralympic preparations for our athletes who, after all, carry the good name of Spain all over the world, with their most ambitious public budget plan.”
They emphasized from CSD, in line with what was reported by the COE, that the new distribution would be necessary to focus efforts on points that could deliver the best results: “We will support athletics, badminton, basketball, cycling, snow and winter sports, fencing, gymnastics, etc. up to forty disciplines” .
This is how he launched his new project to try to promote the good state of Spanish sport and this translates into a barrage of medals at the upcoming Olympic Games in Paris in 2024. The challenge is to reach those 23 medals, since reaching 13 golds from Barcelona’92 seems like a much more complicated task and must Dealing with it for a longer-term future.
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