Guillermo Laso wins the second round: Ecuadorean elections 2021
Guillermo Lasso, Ecuador’s presidential candidate for the CREO movement won the second election round against Andres Araws, So he became the de facto winner in the election to take office on May 24.
Initial screening for National Electoral Council (CNE) 97.26 percent gave 52.51 percent of the vote to the center-right movement Guillermo Lasso and 47.49 percent to Arawes in the ballot to succeed the president. Lenin Moreno In Ecuador.
Delphine Raphael Correa conceded defeat and acknowledged the electoral victory of his opponent.
“I will congratulate him on his electoral victory today, and I will show him our democratic convictions,” Arouz said in a speech at his campaign center in Quito.
“Together we achieve it! Thank you Ecuador for your support in the elections. As appropriate, we will await the official results. We are positive and with great faith,” the Ecuadorian presidential candidate wrote on his official Twitter account. When he was already nine points away.
Since before the end of Election Day, Several opinion polls predicted a direct confrontation over Laso’s career from the first round, It was held on February 7, when it reached 19.74 percent of the vote against 32.72 percent for Arawes. Backs are about 15 percent.
“This is a historic day, a day when all Ecuadorians decide their future, and they have voiced the need for change and the desire for better days for all,” he told supporters gathered in Guayaquil.
The Presidents of Uruguay, Luis Lacalle Poe and Colombia, Ivan Duque, have already recognized Laso as the next president of Ecuador, reaffirming their bilateral commitment.
I just spoke with Embed a Tweet To congratulate him on his victory and to work together on the issues our countries share.
– LuisLacallePou April 12, 2021
Congratulate Embed a Tweet For his election as President of # Ecuador. A few minutes ago we talked and talked about working together for the region. We will continue to strengthen our trade relations, security and integration in the Andean region for the benefit of our countries.
– Evan Duque ???????? (IvanDuque) April 12, 2021
After running for president in 2013 and 2017, Laso, a 65-year-old former banker, won the presidency on his third attempt.
Embodies the Lasso Anti-atheismAnd the It brings together the traditional right, businessmen, some media, and part of quite a few frustrated by twenty-first-century socialism. It was announced by the former head of state Raphael Correa.
He said, “If Araws wins, Coresmo will continue. If Lasso wins, we will suddenly stop this bad situation, which has been a terrible situation for years.” France Press agency After Judith Vetteri, 41, a pharmacy salesman to vote.
Who is Guillermo Lasso?
Guillermo Lasso is a businessman, RHe has 50 years of experience in the private and public sectors in Ecuador. In 1989 he was CEO of Banco Guayaquil, where he founded Banco del Barrio in 2008.
He is one of my founders Political movement creates opportunities (CREO)With which he runs for the presidency of Ecuador, as well Ecuador Free Foundation. In the political arena, gobernador of Guayas, Minister of Economy and Ambassador-at-Large.
He was born in Guayaquil, Where he was linked to the stock exchange from a young age to pay for his high school studies in a Catholic school. His job was to write “stock quotes on the blackboard.”
Although he did not complete his studies in economics, he managed to excel in the financial sector, taking over the executive chairmanship of Banco de Guayaquil, one of the major banks in the country. In 2012 he retired from banking to found the Creando Oportunidades (Creo) movement, Emerging as Korea’s biggest opponent.
The left always confronts him with his past as a banker in a country that in the late 1990s suffered a collapse of the financial system, as a result of a fraudulent loan scheme. Hundreds of thousands of Ecuadorians immigrated, and the country adopted the dollar as its currency in 2000.
Lasso promises tax incentives, 1% interest credits, and a gradual adjustment of the minimum wage until it hits $ 500. It also plans to create 2 million jobs and build 200,000 country houses.
Member of Opus Dei, In 2013, he suffered a fracture of the right shin bone while performing Hajj. After injury, use a stick.
Skinny and gray-haired, it is preferable to wear jeans, youth t-shirts, and sneakers. Not long ago, he became involved with TikTok to attract younger voters.
Lasso is the last of eleven middle-class children. He is married to Maria de Lourdes of Alkvar and has five children. One is a banker and the other has given up on being a chaplain.
In the public sphere, he was the governor of the province of Guayas, with its capital in Guayaquil, and the Minister of Economy in the government of the ousted former president. Jamil Mahuad (1998-2000).
How did elections develop in Ecuador?
Just over 13.1 million Ecuadorians were called in to cast their mandatory ballots on a ten-hour day that ended at 5:00 PM local time, without harassment or large crowds. The first official results will be published starting at 6:30 pm, according to the National Election Board.
Channels Aquafisa s Telemazonas Two polls released, one from Cedatos giving Lasso a six percentage point advantage (53.24%) over Arauz (46.76%), and the other from Social Climate suggesting a technical relationship, so he refrained from revealing the percentages
Many companies expected a head-to-head turn against the rise of the right-wing Laso party since the first round on February 7, when it won 19.74 percent of the vote against 32.72 percent for Arawes. The proportion of undecided in the second round was about 15 percent.
Lefty Andres Araws Official scrutiny expected and declared him the winner of the ballot that faced Guillermo Laso, of the conservative right, for the Ecuadorian presidency on Sunday.
Dolphin, former Socialist President Rafael Correa, addressed his supporters from a platform set up in the center of Quito at the end of some very close voices.
Candidate said, “We have a poll at checkout and we win!” Indicating an assumed 1.6% advantage over the Lasso. “It is clear that this victory must be confirmed by the official results that will be achieved very soon,” he added.
For his part, Lasso didn’t speak after the day ended. Not long ago, he tweeted, “It was a great democratic day. We are vigilant to take care of every vote. Thanks to all who came out to vote for their families. Ecuador meeting for 17 million Ecuadorians.”
A few minutes after the polls closed, it was a great democratic day. We are vigilant to take care of every sound.
Thanks to everyone who came out to vote for their families. Ecuador from the meeting of 17 million Ecuadorians. # Together we achieve
– Guillermo Lasso ???????? (LassoGuillermo) April 11, 2021
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