Discover the benefits of living in a green area with plenty of plants
It is something more than is known that temper nature It has a series of very important benefits for our mental health. It helps reduce stress, increases focus and self-esteem, stimulates creativity…there are many benefits, and living in the city doesn’t have to be synonymous with giving up. There are parks and green areas that can be built within the city that can help with your mental health, but in addition to that, a study He recently confirmed that he could get better Cognitive function.
The research was led by a researcher from the Boston University School of Public Health (BUSPH) in the US, and was published in the journal. JAMA Network is open. Their conclusion is that greenery in residential areas can improve cognitive function in middle-aged women, as it can reduce depressiona disease that could become a risk factor for dementia in the future.
“This study is one of the few studies to provide evidence that green space can benefit cognitive function at older ages. Our findings suggest that green space should be investigated as a potential population-wide approach to improving cognitive function,” comments Dr. Marcia Pescador Jiménez, author Principal of the study and associate professor of epidemiology at BUSPH.
According to this study, having green areas close to home can help Improve overall cognitive function. In addition, it is believed that there is a link between nature and reduced depression, which is why it contributes to better mental health.
Dr Pescador Jimenez added: “Some of the main ways in which nature can improve health is by helping people recover from psychological stress and encouraging people to be outdoors with friends, which improves mental health.”
to study approx 14,000 women Caucasian women, average age 61, between 2014 and 2016, participate in the Nurses’ Health Study II. This study is specifically one of those focused on investigating risk factors for chronic disease in women in the United States.
Depending on where these women live and how much green space there is around them, Kinetic speed and the interest increase or decrease. However, abilities such as learning or memory were not affected by the green surrounding it.
The researchers concluded that the relationship between improved cognitive function and green space was depression and its positive effects. “Based on these findings, clinicians and public health authorities should consider exposure to green spaces as a potential factor for reducing depression, and thus enhancing cognition,” explains Dr. Pescador Jiménez, adding that “policy-makers and urban planners should focus on adding more green spaces in Everyday life to improve cognitive function”.
Therefore, this study demonstrates yet another benefit that nature can have and the positive impact it brings on our mental health and cognitive function.
This information does not in any way replace a doctor’s diagnosis or prescription. It is important to go to a specialist when symptoms appear in a diseased state and never self-medicate.
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