A defining moment for profound transformations
From left to right, José Manuel Rodriguez Oribes, Minister of Sports; Javier Rodriguez Palacios, Mayor of Alcal de Henares; Isabel Daz Ayuso, President of the Community of Madrid. Rebecca Greenspan, Ibero-American Secretary General; King Philip VI; Mara Eugenia Carbledo, President of the Madrid Assembly; Marco Bombinoli, Head of the Editorial Unit. Pablo Casado, leader of the People’s Party; and Anna I Bereda, Director of EXPANSIN.
Anna I. Pereda calls for identifying the necessary reforms in the face of current economic, technological and social changes. Javier Rodriguez Palacios urges a leap forward in the development of the tourism sector.
Spain, within the European and global context, is in A defining moment for profound transformations. This was highlighted yesterday in the opening II Expansin International Economic ForumAnna I PeredaEXPANSIN MANAGER AND Javier Rodriguez PalaciosMayor of Alcal de Henares.
Pereda stressed that the forum whose motto is Building a sustainable futureLifts “Identifying the profound transformations that must be made in the face of current economic, technological and social changes”. Urging a shift in tourism development, Palacios said the G7 agreement on a global tax on multinational companies offered “hope”.
“At EXPANSIN, which this year celebrates its 35th anniversary, we like to be positive,” said Ana I. Pereda. In his opinion, “Now yes, we have reason to hope”, and hinted at the process vaccination Until now improve economic outlook. “For an export economy like the Spanish economy, the rapid progress of the global economy is good news,” he warned. All this in the context of “new leadership in the United States” and “the desired strengthening of Europe’s identity” after Brexit.