Will Kingdom have a secondary feature centered on Joo Ji Hoon? Netflix responds
‘Kingdom: Ashin from the North’ premiere is behind K-media report on a second production spin-off de Kingdom, a multi-million dollar series that puts South Korean zombie-themed products at the fore once again.
In this regard, Netflix, the service responsible for producing and broadcasting this successful Korean drama, has released its official position.
Kingdom is starring Joo Ji Hoon. Photo: Netflix
Kingdom of Suprei: Ashen of the North
Kingdom: Ashin del norteThe spin-off to the series was released on July 23 worldwide by Netflix.
Starring the highest-paid Korean actress, Jun Ji Hyun, as Ashin, the story revolves around this enigmatic character who had an encounter with the group of Crown Prince Lee Chang (joo ji hoon) at the end of the second season. It also clarifies many mysteries, such as the origin of the resurrection plant.
You can watch his trailer here:
¿Second state spin-off?
Shortly after the release of the special edition, Sports Chosun reported that Netflix was producing a Kingdom’s second show.
According to Korean media, this new sequel will be titled The Kingdom: A Crown Prince’s Tale It will focus on the past and present of the hero in charge of Joo Ji Hoon.
As for its production, K-media has confirmed that it will be directed by Kang Yoon Seung of The Outlaws as opposed to the series’ first season and extension, which had PD Kim Sung Hoon worked by screenwriter Kim. Eun Hee.
The kingdom has two seasons. Photo: Netflix
Netflix responds
Platform flow He chose to maintain confidentiality when repeating the report stating that “nothing has been decided yet”. However, on platforms about drama, there are already entries dedicated to the kingdom: The Tale of the Crown Prince.