The Academy: The participant of the reality show was transferred to the hospital

Stress and intense criticism from judges and hard days of work for students “academy” Many of them have caused damage to their physical and psychological health; Some even wanted to abandon the project due to severe crises of tension and anxiety.
This time it was Eduardoactor United StateWhich caused great consternation to his colleagues and members of the production, because this Sunday and a few hours before Concert #13, He had to be taken to hospital due to a stress attack that complicated his health.
During one of his breaks indoors, the young man began experiencing extreme discomfort, vomiting and nausea, and was promptly treated by the reality show’s paramedics team; But his condition appears to have been more delicate than it appears because he was put in a wheelchair for hospitalization.
So far it has not been confirmed whether Eduardo will be able to sing or if this episode will take him out of the 13th party that will take place on Sunday night.
This is not the first time the student has presented the same harassment, it has already happened to him before, although she was not sensitive at all; But after returning to reality Feels more pressure since the participants came back on their second chance, Isabella s Zuniothey are the ones who got eliminated in the past parties, and the only one left is him.
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