IMF: Keys to Santiago Cafiero’s Political Commitment in the United States
The cards have already been thrown and the advisor Santiago Cafiero Travel to Washington to play Argentina’s last political move: he’ll meet with the government’s envoy Head of State, Anthony Blinken With the intent of persuading the Joseph Biden administration to support a deal to repay its debts before March.
The meeting is part of a last-minute strategy by the Alberto Fernandez government that aims to force a change in US positions on the fund’s board and support an extension of the terms of Argentina’s fiscal adjustment. Today it is part of the biggest hurdle in the debt agreement of $44 billion Hired by Mauricio Macri.
“We just learned about it at the time Primarily political, not technical to discuss the IMF deal. the historian A close friend of Foreign Minister Cafiero.
In parallel, Argentine Ambassador to Washington Jorge Argello who was one of the architects of the meeting. flashing caviero He added that the conversation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will review the entire bilateral agenda between the two countries, which is “at a very good moment.”
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Yellen Lipton Axis
Cafiero’s move will not be technical but political: he seeks to show the US Secretary of State the benefits of concluding an agreement in order to build a “positive bridge”, as they say in Casa Rosada, with the Secretary of the Treasury, Janet Yellen, and his chief advisor David Lipton, which are two major players under Argentina’s agreement with the International Monetary Fund.
Ambassador Argello provided some progress on this strategy that will be published by Cafiero in Washington last week to Ben Kilmanson, the IMF’s new resident representative in Argentina.
Bilateral Agenda
From the chancellor, the drama and dual intentions of the visit to Washington were brought up. they told the historian That bilateral meeting with Blinkin It was scheduled to be held on January 4 at the United Nations In the framework of the annual meeting of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, but that meeting never took place.
Agreement with the International Monetary Fund: Argentina seeks US support and re-launch of bilateral relations
Consequently, it was postponed to the 18th and they denied the idea that the meeting had any connection with the Argentine presidency in Silac or Alberto Fernandez’s trip to China You will interfere with it.
Adjustment speed
“International political actors” obstructed central discussions at the International Monetary Fund today, said Martin Guzman. This is: Washington’s decision that Argentina corresponds to a fiscal deficit from 2024 and not from 2027, as the Alberto Fernandez government intends.
Normalization of the exchange system, reformulation of subsidies and flexibility in the outline of foreign trade policy are all conditions of the agreement.
For hard-line Kirchnerism, this is an amendment signal that they have already advanced too many times not in favor of it.
China, Nicaragua and Venezuela
Although the meeting between Cafiero and Blinken for the United States is a good opportunity to advance the relaunch of bilateral relations. There are two issues that we must not stop asking questions: Argentina’s proximity to China and its friendly relations with the regimes of Nicaragua or Venezuela..
Details of Alberto Fernandez’s trip to China anger the United States
There is a lot of concern in Washington about Biden refused Alberto Fernandez’s visit to China in February to participate in the Olympics The official visit of Xi Jinping. There, the warning signs for the United States over China’s progress in Argentina are in strategic areas such as nuclear energy, defense and 5G technology development.
Alberto Fernandez is president of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, which seeks to counter the Organization of American States
At the same time, Washington’s wake-up call to the Alberto Fernandez administration in Latin America has something to do with Endorsing regimes like Maduro or Daniel Ortega. Washington’s concern about the latter is casting a shadow over the recent appearance of the Iranian fugitive accused of the AMIA attack, Mozi Razai, who was at Ortega’s appeal in Managua with Argentine Ambassador Daniel Capitanic.
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