5 details you may have overlooked
Zoom access, ambient mode, or changes to the YouTube interface. We tell you what they were.
Apps are often updated over time, providing navigation improvements, bug fixes, new features, or visual improvements. One of the cases is that YouTube. video application Has changed in the past few days We may not have noticed.
Among other changes, we were able to see how the interface is used He improved, including some visualization improvements and a change to the design of its interface. We’ll look at some changes we might have missed.
YouTube changes the dark theme from gray to black
In the first changes, we will appreciate not only users, but especially our battery. It’s about the black theme. When entering the YouTube mobile app with a dark theme, we can see that the The dark theme is now completely black. With this dark theme, we find a contrast with the dark gray color of the different sections, such as the drop-down menu for creating a video, which now appears in gray.
YouTube’s new dark mode is now completely black
In principle, it’s a small change, but this change can help Oled or Amoled screenssince the black color of the theme, is translated to off-pixel screens, which means that those Pixel will not drain the battery on our smartphone.
The Subscribe button prevails when entering a channel or video
With the new update, not only the dark theme has changed. As well as arranging some interface buttons. In order to get more visibility on the subscribe button, youtube The subscribe button order has been changedwhich are more dominant in size and position.
The new YouTube now takes over the Subscribe button
Only when entering the channel can we see the subscribe button It will take up almost the entire screen. If we enter a video, we can see the subscribe button in the foreground just below the video. Once we hit the subscribe button, it changes to a notification bell so it’s within easy reach and we can change notifications or subscribe at any time.
The interface becomes rounded
The next change we are going to talk about is the one that generally took place in the interface. YouTube has received a polish on its interface, which is now mainstream rounded elements.
On the left, the edges of the videos are more rounded. On the right, the top buttons are now more rounded except for the button to open the side menu
Both buttons, such as the comment box or even the videos in the channel, are now round. with this, The interface has been visually improved and more consistent In our opinion, except for the button that opens the left side menu, which does not have the same design as that of news, but has rounded corners. We understand that Google intends to distinguish some elements from others in the interface.
YouTube includes ambient mode in its app
Another interesting change, to the delight of viewers, is the new Ambient Mode. Ambient mode is what you get Create a bar around the video Muted colors pervade the video at all times. Ambient mode provides a sense of depth and induces the feeling we might have when we are watching TV in the living room at home.
In both images, we can see the blurred edge when ambient mode is activated
To activate the ambient mode, we do it through the options when watching a video. Among all the usual options, we will find The new option to activate Ambient Mode. It will depend on us if we want to activate or deactivate this function.
YouTube allows us to zoom in on the video we’re watching
The last new feature we’re going to talk about is the zoom feature. In order not to miss any content, We can now zoom in In a video clip for you to visualize any details.
Zoom video with zoom function
Zoom function Only available with fully open video. Apart from being able to adapt the video to full screen mode as we have been used to so far, we will notice a small vibration followed by the zoom ratio on the video while zooming. Another vibration will let us know that we are done zooming the screen.
“Pop culture advocate. Troublemaker. Friendly student. Proud problem solver.”