WhatsApp | How to add a number from abroad | Mexico | United States | Spain | Peru | Applications | Smartphone | nda | nnni | SPORTS-PLAY
Are you having trouble adding a friend from abroad to The WhatsApp? As you know, the numbers in the application, other than your country, must be accompanied by codes as if it was an international call. With this you can talk and even make long distance video calls without having to charge anything.
That is why today we will provide you with all the steps to be able to talk to this person The WhatsApp Without having to make mistakes every time in registering your number. You just have to be patient and follow all the steps we provide.
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How to add a foreign number in WhatsApp
- The first thing will be to enter your phone’s contact book.
- In the space where you must put the contact’s phone number, tap the plus (+) symbol.
- Now type the country code followed by the full phone number.
- A country code is a numeric prefix that is entered before entering the full national phone number to call another country. You can search online for the country code you want.
- For example, if the contact is in the United States (country code “1”) and has area code “408” and phone number “XXX-XXXX”, then you need to enter +1 408 XXX XXXX.
- In case you want to pass your number, the text will be “+51 XXXX XXXXX”. The country code for Peru is +51 followed by 9 digits of your cell phone.

Foreign symbols to add to WhatsApp
- United States: 1
- Spain: 34
- Argentina: 54
- Germany: 49
- Brazil: 55
- Canada: 001
- Chile: 56
- France: 33
- Italy: 39
- Mexico: 52
- Peru: 51
- Venezuela: 58
Do you have a problem with WhatsApp? Do you need to report it? If you have any kind of problem, write to their contact email: [email protected] or [email protected]. You can also place the same order from your iPhone through the iOS exclusive service.
Now, if you need to make a general query, you can fill out the form with this Link.
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