The United Kingdom is considering whether a third dose is needed to avoid quarantine and testing

The UK is considering changing travel rules so that those who do have a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine They will face testing and quarantine If they travel abroad on their return to the country. This measure will also affect tourists who are currently Complete guideline already required First two doses to avoid quarantine.
According to the tourism sector, this change will not be imminent. ttg from government sources
Similarly, the government is studying whether it would be appropriate to include the third dose. covid pass for travel, and how to do it. At this time, the UK requires all travelers arriving in the country two doses of vaccineWhether someone has recovered from the infection or not, the entire sample was taken.
This has caused problems for many foreigners, especially before WTM, as a person in Spain and other countries who had recovered from COVID vaccinated with one dose and not both, because it was believed that he had antibodies in his body.
However, the United Kingdom does not treat it as such and in all cases, a complete guideline is required. This did not change despite the fact that this country and the EU reached an agreement in late October to integrate COVID certificates and issue them “on equal terms”.
In fact, the agreement changed little of the United Kingdom’s requirements, as we explained in the EU-United Kingdom Agreement for COVID Certificates, hardly changed anything, and the requirement for a full guideline was retained , which can now be extended up to the requirement. from the third dose.
Right now, the UK is vaccinating booster dose People over the age of 50 and health and social workers, as well as those who are medically vulnerable. The third dose is given six months after the second.
According to this medium, more than 10 million people A booster dose has already been received in the UK.
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