The Spanish Financial Club in London supports research talent | Economie

From afar, the desire to help your country move forward increases. A group of Spaniards who spent years in positions of high responsibility in the Arab Republic of Egypt city, London’s financial and legal centerAnd the He decided to create the Spanish Financial Club in 2011. Recognizing the abundance of talented Spanish students in British universities, with greater restriction of access to UK scholarships and grants, the club was established in 2014 in Charity (Legal structure of charitable organizations). by name advanced education fund Grants of up to several tens of thousands of pounds are awarded to the most advanced researchers. It currently has agreements with the University of Cambridge, University College London, London Business School and the London School of Economics. So far, the club has offered five PhD scholarships in the fields of economics, business and finance.
After the break caused by the epidemic, the club resumed its activity. The scholarship recipients for the 2022 edition are Maria del Mar Dominic Palacios and Marta Joaquis Rossignol. Dominic is attending a PhD in Economics at the University of Cambridge. Under the supervision of Dr. Elisa Fraglia, her research focuses on the mechanisms of macroeconomic risk sharing in the context of monetary unions. Previously, he worked in the department of macroeconomic studies at CaixaBank.
Guasch prepared his Ph.D. at the London School of Economics, under the supervision of Ethan Ilzetki. His research focused on financial crises and globalization.
These scholarships were entirely funded by contributions from their partners or “colleagues”, all of whom are Spanish Senior Financial Executives in London. Scholarship recipients must complete a rigorous selection process in which academic value and long-term benefit to the Hispanic community are key criteria. Some scholarship holders, after returning to Spain, have held positions in public institutions such as the Bank of Spain or in the academic field.
The club also organizes events and conferences at some of the universities with which it cooperates, generally focusing on economic and commercial issues relevant to the Hispanic community in London, such as the consequences of Brexit on trade relations between Spain and the United Kingdom. Or meetings with Spanish startups. It also organizes social gatherings among its members and an annual charity event.
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