So you can convert voice messages to text without listening to them or marking them as read
Thanks to Voice to Text, you can transcribe voice notes to text without anyone knowing that you did it.
Surely at some point you received a voice note regarding The WhatsApp، Goal Don’t rely on Function to convert voice notes to textwhich is something Telegram just included in it Premium version.
But do not worry, because even though WhatsApp does not implement this function, we offer you a simple trick with which you can Transcribe speech voice to text And besides, you can do that No need to turn it on or mark it as read.
Find out how you can tell what a WhatsApp voice message is saying without having to listen to it or mark it as read.
With Voice to Text, you can transcribe WhatsApp voice to text without playing it or marking it as read
To be able to transcribe WhatsApp audio to text without anyone knowing, the first thing you need to do is Enable automatic download of voice memos In the messaging app, you can do something by following a few simple steps:
- Open WhatsApp on your Android phone
- Click the menu button at the top right
- Click the option Settings
- Go to the section Storage and data
- Enter each of the three options in this section, and select the check mark My voice and press the . button Good
Once you do that, the next step is Download and install the Voice to Text app on your smartphoneBecause he will let you Transcribe your WhatsApp audios to text without anyone knowing.
Thus, once the application is installed on your mobile phone, you just have to perform some simple actions to convert WhatsApp voice message to text:
- Open the Voice to Text app on your Android device and give it all the permissions it asks for
- Access using any file manager, such as Google Files to The folder where WhatsApp voice memos are savedWhich you will find in the following path: Internal Storage- Android-Media-com.whatsapp-WhatsApp-Media-WhatsApp Voice Notes
- Once you are in this folder, you will see several subfolders arranged from oldest to newest, this way The most recent audio files will be in the subfolder below everything. But you can reverse this chronological order simply by clicking the menu button at the top left, and clicking the sort by And choose the option date (newest first)
- Once you locate the voice note you want to transcribe, Long press on it to select it And click on the icon Involved which appears above
- In the post menu that appears below Click on the Voice to Text icon
- Click the button Import an audio file (Spanish)
Once done, Voice to Text will start transcribing the WhatsApp voice note you selected to the text and after a few seconds you will see Result in plain text And you can Cut it, copy it or share it Or play the audio directly from the app.
The fact that Voice to Text allows you to play the voice memo from within the app itself makes this possible Audio still appears as unread in WhatsAppso that no one knows you heard it until you open the chat.
Related topics: The WhatsApp
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