Play UNO in Meet
Google Meet will not please you with meetings and video conferencing, as it will soon allow us to play UNO! In a group, watch YouTube together and listen to the same songs on Spotify.
2 weeks ago it was confirmed Duo integration in Google MeetWe promised to go through the giant mountain view that Meet has been greatly improving to become the standard video conferencing communication toolWhether on a professional level or for personal users.
The truth is that Some improvements have already been made to MeetLike virtual backgrounds for video conferences, text conversations during meetings, or real-time captions Nothing new, interesting and curious Like the ones our colleagues were from a few days ago 9to5Google In one of the already traditional teardown apk in which Reveals new features hidden in the source code of the latest builds.
Soon, you will be able to play UNO! With your family also remotely and from Google Meet.
Talk about how not to talk about this new option direct share” Who will try to turn a professional communication app into something like Kind of “Hangouts Meet” With social functionswhich is that the source code of the latest Google Meet update anticipates the ability to share to-do lists GQueuesmultimedia content in . format YouTube or Spotify And even games like One! and kahoot.
All this kind of thing sounds so much fun. Developments that we can collaboratively use and experience During our video calls, so we will leave directly to you List of all options already included In code threads within Meet:
- GQueues
- Task organizer for work teams
- attention!
- Play guessing games with your friends
- Kahut!
- Organize games and enjoy challenging learning games
- spotify
- Users can share their favorite music or podcast
- ONE! ™
- The classic arcade game at your fingertips
- Youtube
- Watch and share videos with other users
These new options have been considered Google Meet version 2022.07.24 At the moment it is clearly in development, and there is no news from Mountain View about it When can they be ready in a stable release For us, the end users.
For now, what we know is that Google will not implement these apps or mini-games within Meet directly, but Android apps for each service will be integrated with Meet, so When we decide to access any of these “common uses”, the corresponding application is called It also ensures video conference group connectivity with the shared service.
This displays the third-party app icons that will appear in Google Meet.
This obviously adds doubts like Possible need for us to install all these appsalthough native web applications can also be used, implying a file Limited support for Android deviceswithout being available for iOS or the web, something is already expected by the code threads in Meet:
<string name=”conference_activities_general_live_sharing_footer1″>Available only for Android mobile users</string>
Not very clear How will Google manage the synchronization of multimedia applications Like YouTube or Spotify among all members of the conference, although we have seen similar services of questionable quality Keep the browser window open in parallel To all those present on the call. probably Google is also creating new rooms in parallel Allow anyone who wants to join with the click of a button.
must see How are they implemented and when do they finally arrive These are the options for Meet, although it seems Google wasn’t lying when it said it The integration of all the video conferencing and meeting services would have brought us good things In the form of improvements and a more open approach to a reference service that competes with Teams or Zoom, among others… Let’s see how all this develops!
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