Pedro Castillo virtual meeting with scientists led by Modesto Montoya | The second round | Elections 2021 | nndc | Policy
Peruvian presidential candidate, Pedro CastilloOn Tuesday, a virtual meeting was held with scientists and engineers from the international scientific meeting chaired by physicist Modesto Montoya.
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At this meeting, Castillo recognized the need to create a Ministry of Science and Technology and affirmed that if he wins the second round of elections on June 6, he will allocate ‘Bigger budget’ to me “Science and education”.
At the meeting they took part Jorge Linares, Javier Solano and Marcel Morales, Javier Verrastigi, Jorge Linares, Francisco Coronel, Victor Gamara, Maria Quintana, Leandro Rodriguez, Luis Jorregui among others.
At the end of the event, Montoya indicated that the participants “the support” Castillo asked and showed his desire for it “For cooperation” In a final government under his responsibility.
“This is only a small part of the national and international scholars who are ready to cooperate with you in whatever is appropriate, if you are elected President of Peru and they now, as I understand it, support your candidacy.“, pointed out.
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In this regard, Castillo thanked the support and confirmed that the meeting constitutes “Cornerstone laying on this project“ For clarification A vision for the homeland.
“I think that with this first stone being put into this project, we will see and reinforce that Peru has a vision for the country. I worry about the way we have wasted so much time and the foundation for development is not laid. Knowledge is power and must be transferred from school, since childhood“, He declared.
“You have to do science, research, and knowledge and when people learn they are no longer deluded. We strive for Peru to stop being a primary exporter, to become a society of knowledge and investment, and to make room for development. Everyone is welcome and it is urgent to submit viable proposals to the country“, pointed out.

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