NASA astronauts returning to the moon will find themselves in big trouble
It is no secret that a trip to the moon, or even send any device is risky And a very big error factor.
Although the moon looks like an area Already known to astronautsAnd the Journey to the moon is still facing a big problem This has no solution at the moment.
Low light conditions
Perhaps if you haven’t inquired a lot about space, you’ve never thought about it?How can there be darkness? And this is exactly the main problem. Currently progressing the lunar mission of Artemis.
Although when the Apollo program was implemented there were no innovations today, it is also true that the mission counted the sun only a few degrees above the horizon. However, access has another angle, I’m going out of the sun, which makes it very dark.
the moon
What are NASA’s plans?
NASA, though, has the best illusions; It generates a training in which astronauts are exposed to the worst possible scenarios. A simulator is created for Artemisa’s problems (much stronger than Apollo).
The objective of the program is very simple during training; Astronauts are able to find solutions and adapt their bodies to circumstances They will be on the moon when the mission is completed.
Training in the dark
To make the training as similar as possible, the astronauts train underwater (with heavy weights). He trains in a 40-foot-deep pool.In the facility, all lights were turned off and black curtains were placed on the walls to reduce sunlight.
cinematic lamp It is about lighting the place, to try to know more or less “home” Where will you be during this time?
dark is a problem
When does Artemis take off?
Although the United States invests heavily in this program, the announcement of NASA was that we will have to wait until 2025but some say it’s unlikely to happen.
Either way, the cold darkness of space remains the biggest fear for astronauts and scientists, Just as it was about 50 years ago.
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