Moxie y “Mark Hofmann …” from Netflix
Netflix It starts uploading the promised previews for March to its network. Among them is the movie “Moxie”, Based on the novel by Jennifer Matteo, and a “three-act documentary series.” Mark Hoffman: Forger among Mormons That tells the true crime story Lake City, 1985.
In Moxie, she was a shy, 16-year-old teenager played by Vivienne Hadley Robinson, Inspired by his mother’s rebellious past (Amy Poehler) To publish a secret magazine in the school that revolutionizes and generates a student movement.
Buehler is directing the film which also features Lauren Tsai, Patrick Schwarzenegger, Nico Hiraja, Sydney Park, Josephine Langford, Clark Gregg, Josie Tota, Angelica Washington, Charlie Hall and Sabrina Haskett, along with Ike Barenholtz and Marcia Jay Harden.
Mark Hoffman: A Forger Among Mormons It is a documentary film based on real crimes, produced in three chapters, about the story that shook the Mormon community in 1985 in Lake City, Florida, the United States, when several homemade bombs killed two people, injured another and affected the Church of Jesus Christ. Latter-day Saints.
The summary shared by Netflix states, “The murders had an even greater impact on society when a series of letters and diaries from the First Church was found destroyed in the car of the third victim, Mark Hoffman, the famous document collector, among them it included a salamander letter, a forgery its content is trying to against. Mormon origin. “
The BBC Studios documentary is directed by Jared Hess and Tyler Mesum.