How the new ITV changes to take effect on June 1 affect you
On June 1, 2021, new regulations governing Technical Vehicle Inspection (ITV) came into effect. It consists of revising the ITV Procedure Manual – specifically, version 7.5.0 – to adapt the examination to new technologies. The purpose is to define in a clearer and more accurate manner for operators some audits to facilitate their work during the inspection.
Not only will the news have a direct impact on the station personnel, but also the vehicles that will be inspected. According to the AECA-ITV Technical Inspection Association reported by the Spanish Association of Cooperating Entities for the Administration, the differences that drivers going to the stations will notice as of June 1 relate to a change in consideration of two defects, namely: from moderate to severe, and thus will lead to refusal of inspection.

ABS malfunction will be considered a critical error from now on.
On the other hand, ABS malfunctions when wearing it is not mandatory. From now on, when there is some kind of malfunction in the anti-lock brake system, it goes from being considered a minor defect to a serious defect. On the other hand, the same happens with the separation of the rearview mirrors, which is also a serious drawback as of June 1.
If you do not pass the check, you have two months to correct the errors, but during this time you will not be able to trade
Serious defects lead to refusal of inspection and disruption of vehicle movement on public roads, with the exception of transportation to the workshop. The vehicle owner has two months to pass the test again. During the elapsed time until the moment of obtaining the long-awaited sticker certifying that the car has passed the re-test, it is not permitted to drive. Otherwise, the owner faces a fine of 200 euros.
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The section indicating the economic amount of the sanctions remains the same. Thus this fine of 200 euros is maintained for trading with unfavorable ITVs, the same penalty that burdens vehicles that do so with the expiration of the test. Doing this with a passive ITV means a higher fine, specifically €500.
Employers in the sector estimate that there are more than 1 million vehicles traded in Spain with the trailing ITV. This package includes copies that can take advantage of the Extraordinary Extensions period to pass the inspections that expired during the first state of alert that ended on March 2. However, it must be remembered that the actual expiration date of ITV for vehicles that passed the inspection during the extension period is the date mentioned on the card. So the date of the last examination is not taken into account, which is technically ancient.
From now on it will not be necessary to present a certificate of registration to pass the examination
Another novelty that includes the ITV Procedure Manual is that station management personnel will be able to verify loan permit data through the DGT General Vehicle Registry. This way, the user will not have to request an appointment again even if he forgets to bring the document mentioned above.
The new version of the Procedure Manual specifies more clearly the Long Range Electric Vehicle (REEV) emissions check or the identification of motorcycles with advanced emissions control systems.

The technical inspection takes into account various aspects related to the operation of the vehicle
Regarding the effects of Brexit, vehicles from the United Kingdom that wish to register in Spain will be considered vehicles from third countries (not belonging to the European Economic Area) and must implement the necessary import procedures. Vehicle approvals granted by the UK will not be valid at European level, thus losing all the advantages involved in this from the standpoint of documentation and simplicity of processing.
Finally, the anti-COVID protocols that have been in place are being preserved throughout 2020, so we try as much as possible to keep a safe distance from drivers. To avoid access to the passenger compartment, OBD (On-Board Diagnostics) reading was limited to commercial vehicles weighing more than 3,500 kg and buses. According to the regulations, the inspector will gain access to the vehicle using the recommended personal protective equipment to connect to the outlet.
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– FEVAUTO (fevauto) May 19, 2021
“Pop culture advocate. Troublemaker. Friendly student. Proud problem solver.”