Google Maps: How to change the map layout in the app and add details to it | Android | iOS | iPhone | Applications | Applications | Smartphone | Mobile phones | viral | United States | Spain | Mexico | Colombia | Peru | nda | nnni | data
Google Maps It’s a very useful tool when you don’t know how to get to a particular place, because this Google app not only gives you directions through its platform, it’s also able to guide you with voice so you go right, left, forward or backward Did you know it’s possible to change the design of Map and add certain details? In this note, we’ll explain a simple trick to make it happen.
more information: Google Maps: the hidden tool to find out the distance between two countries anywhere in the world
If it is a map Google Maps Not to your liking, you have the possibility to change its design without having to install additional apps that take up storage space on your Android phone or Apple iOS mobile (iPhone). You have up to two different options to choose from.
Look: Google Maps: How to create a shortcut to one or more routes
How to change the map layout in Google Maps
- First, make sure that there is no pending update in the Play Store or the App Store.
- now open Google Maps And tap on the diamond icon (♦) with a down arrow in the upper right corner.

- A small window will open and in the “Map type” section you can choose “Default”, “Satellite” and “Relief”.
- The first is owned by all users when they first open the app.
- The second shows you a real view of the cities.
- The third is similar to the first but only contains rectangles or squares (the houses are not visible).
You can also add certain details to the map such as: public transport lines; Real-time traffic, to take alternate routes if there is a traffic jam; and bike lanes, the latter is very useful for anyone who travels home, work or anywhere by bike.
How to add details to Google Maps
- Enter the same diamond symbol (♦) with a down arrow.
- The same small window will open and in the Map Details section you can add the real-time “Public Transport”, “Traffic” and “Bycycle” lines to see all bike lanes.
Recently Google Maps The addition of a new tool that will alert you if a bus or station is crowded with people, in order to avoid infection and spread of COVID-19, it is also useful to decide on an alternate route. Find out all the details of this tool below note.
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