Brexit Channel resumes meetings with the United Kingdom to resolve trade problems
The Brexit channel has resigned to resolve trade difficulties with the United Kingdom after the implementation of Brexit
On January 1, 2022, customs requirements established by the United Kingdom come into force. / FEPEX
Valencia fruit. Drafting.
There will be a new meeting of the Brexit Channel, a collaborative body between the administration and export sectors, promoted by the Secretary of State for Commerce, next week to identify and attempt to resolve trade difficulties with the United Kingdom following the entry. Brexit in force. In the fruit and vegetable sector, exports to this country maintain a fluid rhythm, with 862,372 tonnes exported in the first half, 3% lower than in the same period of 2020, and 1,276 million euros, 10% higher.
new customs requirements
However, fruit and vegetable exporters have adopted new customs requirements established by the United Kingdom as a result of their departure from the European Union from 1 January this year, which are set in three phases. In the first, which began in January this year, exports of community fresh fruits and vegetables must be accompanied by a Customs Declaration (SAD) and a Certificate of Compliance with Marketing Standards.
In the second phase, which was initially scheduled to come into force in April of this year and has been postponed till January 1, 2022 and with regard to the prevalence of fresh fruits and vegetables, a phytosanitary certificate must also be accompanied by the shipment , Pre-Notification and Remote Documentary Control.
In the third phase, which will begin in March 2022, the previous requirements will be retained, more controls will be carried out, as well as identification and physical controls at Authorized Control Points (BCPs) will be added, which causes a lot of concern in the area grouped into the group. Is. fepex, due to the complexity and slowdown in exports that may be included in these controls and because of the high level of shipments to the United Kingdom, the third destination for Spanish fruit and vegetable exports.
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